Harun al-Rashid
Abbasid Caliph, 786 - 809 AD

Silver Dirhem, Arabic inscriptions both sides.
Dated year 192 of the Hegira era (approximately November 5, 807 to October 24, 808 AD)
Baghdad mint (written on the coin as "Madinat al-Salam", or "city of peace")

Harun al-Rashid presided over the Abbasid Caliphate at its peak of power.  He is a legendary figure because of the splendor of his court, and because of the stories about him in the Arabian Nights (1,001 Nights).

Baghdad, the capital of his reign, became the most flourishing city of the period.  Tribute was paid to the caliph by many rulers, and splendid edifices were erected in his honor at enormous cost.  He is said to have exchanged gifts with Charlemagne.

Before his death he divided the empire between his three sons, a step that accelerated its decline and disintegration.

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