Richard the Lionhearted (Richard I of England) 
Born 1157 A.D.,  King of England, 1189-1199 A.D.

Silver Denier, 18 mm.
O:  Inscription around cross.
R:  Inscription.
Struck in Poitou, France, 1172-1199 A.D.  Richard I was Count of Poitou prior to becoming King of England.


Renowned as a Crusader and gallant knight, Richard neglected his kingdom, allowing his ministers to rule in his stead.  Immature and petulant, he excelled only in fighting.  He spent all but six months of his reign outside of England campaigning or in captivity. Battle leader of the Third Crusade, Richard was shipwrecked near Venice on his return in 1192 and imprisoned by Duke Leopold of Austria.  Leopold turned Richard over to Holy Roman Emperor Henry VI, who released him in February 1194 only after a huge ransom had been pledged

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